Blog Posts

Poem by a Creep

On the risk of sounding like a creep My heart writes this poem that dives into deep Oh, Saanjh, as...

December Geminids

Isn’t it peculiar that mere debris falling from the sky, is one of the most beautiful sights ...

Thank you Stranger!

Chaya hit the brakes when she saw a rider in front of her as she turned left from the back of a slow...


Pune is not just a city; it is an emotion. We Punekars fall in love with this city more and more ev...

The Office

The glass window panes of offices are intriguing. They dazzles at night like lamps during Diwali. ...

Everything, All at once

My mind is a wanderer. It travels more than I ever will. If I let my mind go berserk, It would wa...