
Saranya Prabhakaran

15 July, 2024

The opportunity to gaze at the clear blue sky

The memories of those shooting stars

The exuberant twinkling of bright and dim stars

The view of our own star that sustains life — The Sun

The alternating styles of our charming moon

All these will be distant dreams when dystopia arrives.

Some of us who are now obsessed with dark

will long to see some streams of photons.

The darkness that engulfs will be darker than the night.

Gloomier than the blackest wells

Darker than the evil in some human hearts

The tall buildings touching the dark clouds.

choking the little strands of yellow-orange shades

Our sun desperately trying to cast in,

its adamant effort to nourish life on earth

There will be a thunderous roar from the sky.

Like the last scream from a dying person

And the rain will come charging at us.

polluted with our sins and crimes.

Saranya Prabhakaran

Saranya Prabhakaran

I am Saranya, I am a freelance content writer. I specialize in article writing, blog writing and copy writing. I offer professional writing services and strive to deliver them on time. My utmost goal is to provide the clients the content they have in mind, exactly how they need it completely hassle free. Zero plagiarism is one of my main agenda in accomplishing any particular content.

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