Blog Posts


She tasted Freedom in the air, Allowing the wind to flow through her wavy long hair. Engulfed with...

The Euphoria and the Desolation of You!

It is a winter night. The Moon has a perfect halo around itself. Rings form as t...

An Attempt at Gratitude to My Godmother.

The terms Godmother and Godfather sound cool, especially after Mario Puzo’s Godfather. Beyond ...

Winter Rains..

It was almost 7 in the morning. Yet the sky was as dark as the night. The weathe...

Types of laughter

According to me, there are two types of laughter. First, when we are alone and sad, we try to watch...

Adios Sparrows!

Sparrows are in a love-hate relationship with Humans. We keep grains and water on our balconies for...