Blog Posts

Giving Money To Children Who Beg May Not Be The Only Solutio...

A young girl knocked on the car door, halted in traffic, and opened her palms, asking for money. The...

Here Are Some Signs Of Mental Health Issues You Should NOT I...

"My friend had anxiety and he was behaving weirdly, breathing heavily and crying for no reason. I ju...


We want to help, and we know you do too. We know you passionately care for the underprivileged peop...

This Is Why Educating Ourselves About The Transgender Commun...

"People laugh at me because I look different, and I laugh at them because they all look the same" - ...

Learning to live while we still can…

The world has become a secluded place. People have taken isolation and social distancing more seriou...

Women and their beautiful hormones..

I am 30 years old and have a condition called Premature Ovarian Failure (POF). I have reached menopa...