
Saranya Prabhakaran

16 December, 2022

I searched for you in my dream.

I found the sun instead. It was magnificent.

I closed my eyes and soaked in its radiance.

My eyes opened to the realization that I miss you.

I looked around in distress.

After troubling me for a while, you appeared.

You were not in the sky, but near me.

The Full Cold Moon.

You danced around me, intimidating me.

Swirling around me like a whirlwind,

My clothes fluttered, and my hair kept flying into my mouth.

My shy yet wide smile was hurting my cheeks.

You had a trail behind you, an aura of VIBGYOR lights.

I am looking at you in awe, my eyes following you wherever you go.

I feel heat on my body, like a warm embrace.

My hands longed to touch you,

But you swirled farther away from me like a child who runs away from its mother during supper.

You left me happy as a lark, an aura of lights surrounding me.

I watched you fly away.

I waited until I saw the last light leave; my clothes and hair were steady again..

Saranya Prabhakaran

Saranya Prabhakaran

I am Saranya, I am a freelance content writer. I specialize in article writing, blog writing and copy writing. I offer professional writing services and strive to deliver them on time. My utmost goal is to provide the clients the content they have in mind, exactly how they need it completely hassle free. Zero plagiarism is one of my main agenda in accomplishing any particular content.

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