
Saranya Prabhakaran

14 January, 2024

It was almost 7 in the morning.

Yet the sky was as dark as the night.

The weather was gloomy and the wind haunting.

It felt like dawn would never come.

The sun failed to emit even one ray of its enormous light through this thick darkness.

It rained that winter day.

A grim, sorrowful rain

A sensation of thunderous warning by the Earth

that the mankind has driven her to the limits

and now her patience has waned.

If only humans were so empathetic as to understand signs

we would not be so lonely even amidst people.

The next day the earth calmed down.

it allowed the sun to put out its feelers.

the soft warmth of the sunlight on the living cells

brought hope and light to a new perspective.

Saranya Prabhakaran

Saranya Prabhakaran

I am Saranya, I am a freelance content writer. I specialize in article writing, blog writing and copy writing. I offer professional writing services and strive to deliver them on time. My utmost goal is to provide the clients the content they have in mind, exactly how they need it completely hassle free. Zero plagiarism is one of my main agenda in accomplishing any particular content.

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