
Saranya Prabhakaran

28 December, 2023

Sparrows are in a love-hate relationship with Humans.

We keep grains and water on our balconies for them.

Teach our pets not to hurt them when they show up.

Especially not to eat the birds’ grains.

And yet, as we sustain by polluting their air,

making it impossible for them to breathe.

As they gasp for fresh air and wander homeless,

mourning the loss of their kids in one of the nests we cut down.

Our corrupt lungs seek the poor air to survive.

We fragile ones do not endure the clean village air.

“I am fed up with this materialistic world.

A monk I am going to become.” we say.

But we forget, We are no Budha.

We yearn for the hustle and bustle of the city,

and come back to the struggle.

We again continue to keep grains and water for the birds,

but now they are on the verge of extinction.

as their pure souls could not survive,

the Poison we created to make our lives easy.

Saranya Prabhakaran

Saranya Prabhakaran

I am Saranya, I am a freelance content writer. I specialize in article writing, blog writing and copy writing. I offer professional writing services and strive to deliver them on time. My utmost goal is to provide the clients the content they have in mind, exactly how they need it completely hassle free. Zero plagiarism is one of my main agenda in accomplishing any particular content.

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