Can we take some time to think about World Food Day? The theme for this year is Water is Life, Water is Food. The significance of this day is that the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation was founded on this day, October 16.
The topic may seem mundane, but it is the driving force of all living beings. Consuming the right food and not taking our daily sources of food for granted is important. The source of food is another thing, but we should never fail to thank the hands that make it palatable and set it on a dish for us.
Food is the ultimate source of life. Some of us eat to live, and many of us live to eat. Food does not only satisfy hunger but is also a go-to for depression or mood swings. It is that magic that makes us feel better. Many of us are fortunate enough to use food as a solution for our mental health rather than to satisfy a hungry stomach. Those who can afford three meals a day and much more would not understand the importance of food. There is so much waste of food in the name of “ mood nahi hai”.
Ignorant people do not even think before throwing away food. The thought of millions of people going to bed hungry, or worse, dying of hunger, would never cross their petty minds. Of course, if only humans could only use what they need and give away the rest to those who need it, the world would be a utopia. That is far from being, and we are heading towards a dystopian society.
Water is not an infinite source. It is limited and should be used wisely, but we do not have time to think about the resources we are using every day. According to world wild life, two thirds of the world population will face water scarcity by 2025.