This is the new era, a new world, the age of Artificial Intelligence.
Humans are getting apprehensive about being replaced by robots.
There is a new threat every other day for humankind to come to an end.
In this very world, there is more disparity than equality:
where religion is still a judgemental factor for a person.
Even today, a person gets tied to a tree and beaten to death,
for the mistake of believing in a different fantasized god, rather than your fantasized god.
This is an age where humans have not only studied the earth but also explored space and looking for life.
But quackery and pseudoscience still holds ground here.
Even today women are made to sit out during periods.
People are trolled for their dietary preferences, dressing style, or sexual identity
but not for murder, corruption, race, or hate speeches.
You elect a religious Bigot as head of a nation just to justify your racist, classist, and misogynist ideas.
Posteriority is not going to be kind to us.