
Saranya Prabhakaran

9 July, 2023


Stuck within the four white walls of the office

The white, bright, light blinding my eyes

The chillness from AC failing to cool my hot flashes

with a fluttering heart and pounding head

And my thoughts doing somersaults

My astral self, flying away outside the window,

The helpless body mindlessly works,

Trying to keep up with the racing world,

But my soul is elsewhere,

Far away from the illusionary aspect of the material world.

Saranya Prabhakaran

Saranya Prabhakaran

I am Saranya, I am a freelance content writer. I specialize in article writing, blog writing and copy writing. I offer professional writing services and strive to deliver them on time. My utmost goal is to provide the clients the content they have in mind, exactly how they need it completely hassle free. Zero plagiarism is one of my main agenda in accomplishing any particular content.

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