I feel good today, because I have accepted a few realities. I have come in terms with how I am made and how much I can push myself. There are many things which I cannot change, I can’t change myself, It’s just the way I am, under confident, confused, helpless. I think I will die in oblivion but that’s fine, I accept that today. There are many people in this world who did great things and their work never got acknowledged. At least I know that I am a nothing and I will die a nothing. I think if a person is willing to make a change, they should be able to move the masses and can do something remarkable, but I know I can’t do that, I can’t even stop my colleagues to stop misusing tissue paper. I can just be a part of the crowd, I cannot lead them, even if I want to. I will just do my bit in whatever way I can. I know I will always be in pain, I will always be hurt, I will always have tears in my eyes reading the daily news, I will always have this sinking and hollow feeling in my heart, I will always love someone who I am not supposed to be in love with and also never let them know, I know I will be alone all my life but it’s better than being in chains forever. I know I cannot let any Man control my life.